Announcing winners of the Soundtrack Album Cover Fan-Art Contest
The fan-art contest has come to a close, receiving over 50 entries. Huge thank you to everyone who participated in the contest!
We have selected our eight favourite entries which will be featured as soundtrack album covers.
1st Place
Our winner!
Simple but highly detailed, that's exactly what we're looking for!
It was a close call between the top three, but in the end, we chose this artwork since it works well in all kinds of situations, is super versatile and fits well with the mod's existing brand identity. The achievement-icon color scheme feels right at home in the Steam Store.
Congratulations to Nicolas! Your Cover will be used as our primary Soundtrack Album Cover.

2nd Place
What an amazing piece of art!
Fun fact: Before the contest even ended, Sarah (Emilia Conly's voice actress) had already printed her own stickers with this design and has been rocking it as a profile picture.
Approved by Conly herself and deserving of second place.

3rd Place
genericDragon at it again making the most amazing Portal: Revolution fan-art. This piece has quickly become a favourite of ours.
However, it's more akin to a movie poster than an album cover and does not perform as well when scaled down or cropped.
Still, Bravo! This is amazing!

4th Place
Honorable mentions and amazing artworks! We will be using these as additional artworks and feature them as file-embedded cover art in the Soundtrack download on Steam.

We also wish to express our gratitude to all the other artists that didn't make it into our final picks. It was amazing to see so many passionate community members take time out of their day to be creative for this mod.
Thank you for participating!